Holistic Email Strategy & Purpose-Driven Copywriting for

Creative Entrepreneurs

It’s Time to Make Moves. Copy Moves. * It’s Time to Make Moves. Strategy Moves.


It’s Time to Make Moves. Copy Moves. * It’s Time to Make Moves. Strategy Moves. *

Intentional messaging, purposeful strategy & a great piece of creative copy can transform your business.

Only you can do what you do.

We all have our zone of genius.

That one area where we truly thrive.

Where we know our gifts are needed.

Where we can make the biggest impact.

I’d be willing to bet (some pretty big bucks) you know what your zone of genius is. After all, it’s why you started your business in the first place. It’s what sets your business apart from all the others.

I’d also be willing to bet your creative spark – that one thing that separates you from everyone else – too often gets bogged down by the other “to-dos” of running your business. 

You’ve got one too many balls in the air. You’re wearing too many hats. It’s starting to feel harder than it should.  And you know what? 

Yes. Running a business is hard. But it doesn’t have to be this hard.

Because —

✦Finding the right words to say on your website.

✦Showing up consistently in your email marketing.

✦Crafting compelling copy that’ll convert.

✦The SEO of it all. 

That’s not your zone.

(And it shouldn’t be.)

But it is mine.

It’s time. To —

Throw those worries away. Say goodbye to all the stolen time, staring at that *pesky blinking cursor. Desperately trying to come up with the right words to say.

It’s time. To —

Do more of what you do best. To have the freedom and time to work on your business. Rather than in it. To make those visionary moves that only YOU can.

It’s time. To —

Amplify Your Voice & Expand Your Impact.✦

The world needs what you’ve set out to create. The world needs you in your zone of genius.

Let's make sure you stand out.


VIP Week: The Automator

Build Connections, Increase Engagement, & Make More Perfect-Fit Sales. 

On Autopilot.

Welcome to your fast pass, golden ticket, skip-the-line solution to automate your process to welcome in new clients. Get the strategic copy, backend setup, and clarity blueprint you need to catapult you and your business forward. 

✔️copy written   ✔️strategy implemented

 ✔️seamless automated system  ✔️ a captivated audience 

All yours, in just one week.

Full-Service Email Marketing

Done-for-you Email Strategy, Copy, & Backend Support

Comprehensive Strategy. Expert email strategy to transform your business. Engage with your audience and convert them into loyal (excited and ready-to-buy) customers.

Expertly Crafted Copy. In-your-voice purpose-driven email copy for automations, sales sequences, nurture list cultivation, and more. Strategic, authentic, and aligned with your big-picture vision so we can amplify your impact.

Backend Management. Full backend support and implementation. Including building & designing emails, segmenting, scheduling, and list maintenance.

Monthly Retainer Packages Start at $2,500

The Copy VIP Day

The fresh, authentic, & purpose-driven copy you needed *like* yesterday. Delivered to your inbox. Publish Ready.

In Just One Day. 

1 day (7 hyper-focused hours) of uninterrupted time on my calendar to complete the exact deliverables you need.


A hands-off (for you!) turnkey approach to knocking out copy tasks. 


Your finished deliverable (did someone say, ready-to-publish copy!) in your inbox the next day. 


Fresh, conversion-optimized, copy and brand messaging dialed in to speak directly to your perfect-fit customer (in your voice!).


Free up your own time so you can spend more of it in your zone of genius.

Investment $1,499

Website Copy + SEO

Authentic, Intentional Web Copy. With the SEO support to match.

Your website is your bread and butter — and great copy with intentional messaging has the power to completely transform your business.

Increase traffic with expert copy and done-for-you SEO. Drive more of your ideal clients your way, & capture new leads.

Packages Starting at $1,111

Copy Editing

Got your copy written but want to make sure it’s optimized, reads smoothly, and speaks directly to your ideal customer?

Get an expert set of eyes for grammar, tone, reading level, continuity, and overall flow suggestions. Plus we’ll double-check for plagiarism and make sure your headlines are SEO & optimized and will engage all those ideal clients.

Pricing Varies Depending on Word Count & Copy Type

Expand Your Impact

Increase Engagement

Market Mindfully

Expand Your Impact • Increase Engagement • Market Mindfully •

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    **But also, make sure to check that spam folder if you don't see an email from me soon (email providers can be finicky creatures.)

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    Get in Touch.

    Together let’s create easeful, authentic, brand-encompassing messaging through stellar copy and expert email marketing strategy.

    Got questions? I’d love to hear from you, and get ‘em answered! Fill out the form or send an email over to jessica@jperrycreativeagency.com and I’ll’ll get back to you within 48 hours.